Custom MARIO SILVERHAND Cyberpunk 2077/Mario Bros action figure crossover

 "Atta the end of it all, it'sa code you live by thatta defines who you are. "

Ok, I have no explanation for this one other than I like the world of Cyberpunk, and wanted to cross it with an unrelated property. I used a Wendy's Super Mario World figure from 2002 as a base with references taken from the Johnny Silverhand figure from McFarlane. The result is a 3.75 inch mashup figure that could well fit into the Super Smash Bros Ultimate Roster.

Since I no longer take on commissions, I have all the time to freely create whatever I want without worrying about profitability. Though I still have some commissions on the table that I need to finish, I really cannot wait to be completely free of them to really get back to exercise my creativity. Freedom is priceless. Creative freedom, more so. 

 Mario Silverhand is on Ebay now: 






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