Yes, it's my birthday...

Yes, today is my birthday. And while I'm thankful for your messages, given the current events it feels selfish to even think about celebrations. I love this country, I love it's people and culture as if I had been born here, but we have to open our eyes to what is really happening around us. Is not enough anymore to say "Well, I'm not a racist". We have to acknowledge and listen to our brothers. The fear they live under is real. 

Yes, it's my birthday but can we all reflect for one second and think on how our African American friends and communities have to live everyday?  Yes, it's my birthday, but have I done everything I can to understand the problem and  be part of the solution? Yes, it's my birthday, but will I eat again from my privilege cake while the crumbs of silence and indifference fall from my mouth cause I have to protect "my brand"?  Yes, it's my birthday but can all lives matter, when black lives do not? Yes, it's my birthday, but you'll excuse me if I feel sad for our great nation, and nauseated by our "leaders".

All I can promise to my black brothers is that I will be aware, I will listen now more than ever, that I will not stay silent, while you are being exterminated by lack of opportunities, systematic racism and segregation which percolate from the foundations of our nation. I understand that I will never understand, but I will fight alongside you.

To the good police officers out there, (cause yes, I believe there are good ones) Do not shield those who YOU KNOW are the rotten ones. Do your duty and expose those white supremacist sons of bitches who hide behind a badge while giving YOU a bad name. If you stay silent, this will happen again, and again, and again.

And yes,  #BlackLivesMatter #justiceForGeorgeFloyd #FuckRacism

Chris "F" Diaz
Hunter Knight Customs

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